Monday, February 6, 2012

Journal 4 Nets (1,5,6,4)

Campbell, L. O. (2012). If you give a kid a video camera.. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(5), 30-33. Retrieved from

Summary: In Campbell’s article, she explains a theory that states if you give technology to a student they will want to learn and discover more about the item. She then gives a detailed explanation of how to use technology in many subjects throughout education. For example, in Language Arts, students can make a tutorial video on using current technology, or recording book reviews (Campbell, 2012).  Further, students can use technology in math by creating math story problems and incorporating it into a video. In Science students can “conduct science experiments with recording and watching results. Lastly, students can use video in Social Studies by conducting interviews, and making maps in particular of their facility using a video camera (Campbell, 2012).

Q1: How could a teacher use technology with a limited budget?
A1: Teachers can save money by having students form groups and share cameras. Teachers can also set up fundraisers so the students can earn money from the community. It is important that teacher monitor and protect any technology already owned so future student can use as well.

Q2: What other subject could use technology that was not mentioned in the article?
A2: Physical Education can also use technology in the classrooms in particular student can record their progress when performing physical activities.  They also can watch the video and set goals or notice exercise that need improvements. They also can take other class’s routines and use them to benefit themselves.   

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